More writings

More writings

These are my favorite publications and social media posts that are representative of my thinking at the time. Before 2023, they’re exclusively focused on food, agriculture, and climate.

Pre-Personal Website Public Writing:

Jan 23 NALS priorities include cutting foodwaste by 50% by 2030

Jan 23 Solutions is a cooperative board game that instigates climate discussions

Nov 22 I graduated from Oxford Business School

Jul 22 UNOVA is about linking food supply chains

⭐️ Apr 22 The Future of Food Systems: Food Waste & B4Waste

Mar 22 Won 1st place in IMPACTathon Challenge 2022 by designing fundraising strategies

Feb 22 The Future of Food Systems & Blockchain

Feb 22 Hosted a system mapping workshop for climate

Jan 22 Join Systems Mapping in Action for social entrepreneurship case studies

Jan 22 “We are desperate for systems change, but don't know how to do it.”

Dec 21 Podcast on the future of food systems

⭐️ Dec 21 Sustainability Pledges & Corporate Accountability

Nov 21 Transforming the market for urban cooking fuel in Kenya

⭐️ Nov 21 The Case for Climate Optimism

Oct 21 Elected Co-Chair of the Social Impact Network, where I hosted events, speakers

Sep 21 Excited to join Said Business School at University of Oxford

Apr 21 Joining the Food Systems Foresight group as a Senior Consultant

⭐️ Mar 21 Digitizing the Agricultural Value Chain: 6 Lessons from the development Agrnoavti

Apr 20 Internship with Ashoka Changemakers, empowering girls to be agents of change

Apr 20 Deliberate Nutrition Interventions

⭐️ Apr 20 Beyond Traditional Gender Lens Investing: An Intersectional Approach

Jan 20 Looking For Equity After Covid-19? Prioritize African Women

⭐️ Nov 19 Inspiring Agricultural Innovation And Transformation

Oct 19 Coaching young innovators in Malawi

⭐️ Feb 19 Meet The 2018 Youth Agri-preneur Pitch Competition Winners

May 19 ”’Risk assessment’ must include an understanding… of uneven power dynamics”

Dec 18 Transformation Through Collaboration, Consortium, And Commitment

Sep 18 Pitch from a Malawian entrepreneur we’re supporting about cassava processing

⭐️ Aug 18 Supporting Healthy Digital Platform Competition in the Georgian Agriculture Market

Jun 18 Intersectional feminist investing in Africa

May 17 Hosting an event on Resilience and Market Systems

Apr 17 Chemonics is commercializing a product that reduces deadly aflatoxin levels

Oct 16 The Future of Fish for Incomes & Nutrition